IT in Japan

It is generally said that Japanese IT has not developed. I looked into it on Google. Actually, Japan seems to be lagging behind in the IT field compared to the world.


In the first place, there is the biggest difference between Japanese and foreigners. It is a language. In my experience, Japanese have less English speakers than foreigners. As you know, programming languages ​​are basically written in English. Japanese need to study English first. This makes it difficult for Japanese to study IT. The number of Japanese English speakers seems to have increased rapidly in the last 20 years, but it is considered that the population of IT is still small because it is still small compared to the world.


Due to the nature of the Japanese people, their work is basically polite and accurate, so their quality is high. It is called "Japan Quality" and is highly evaluated.


As I said before, Japan has a reputation for its technical aspects and precise accuracy. However, the technology is not for the world, but for the Japanese.



Remember the human

"if a person has control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer"

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