
Definition of Hacker

I used to think of hackers as a word for criminals who used the Internet. However, after reading the text of this lecture, I found that hackers are not the only words used by criminals. I searched the original definition of a hacker.

1. one that hacks
2. a person who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity
3. an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer
4. a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system

Types of Hackers

1. White Hat Hacker

The white hat hacker is a good guy, as ironic as it may sound. White Hackers, white hat hackers or ethical hackers are the people who test existing internet infrastructures to research loopholes in the system. They create algorithms and perform multiple methodologies to break into systems, only to strengthen them. 

2. Black Hat Hacker

Simply put, these are the bad guys. Black hat hacker are responsible for all that is wrong with hacking. These guys break into systems purely with negative intentions. From stealing credit card information, to altering public databases, a black hat hacker looks to gain fame or monetary benefits from exploiting the loopholes in internet frameworks.

3. Grey Hat Hacker

A grey hat hacker usually has mixed intentions. As the color code implies, this hacker type does not have the good intentions of a white hat hacker, nor does he have the ill intentions of a black hacker. A grey hat would break into systems but never for his own benefit. 

4. Script Kiddie

In the many types of computer hackers, Script Kiddies are the newbies. The kids of the hacking realm, this hacker type isn’t responsible for a lot of damage, particularly because of the little skill or effort they put into their hacking. Downloading hacking software, or pre-written scripts, these hackers would just run a website against a software and disrupt its working. 

5. Suicide Hacker

This hacker type gets its name from the notorious Suicide Bombers, people who cause a lot of damage before killing their own selves. Similarly, a suicide hacker would know that his identity would be revealed, or he would be caught but proceeds to carry out a hacking attempt nonetheless. This could either be for money, or for fame or even forceful, just like a suicide bomber.

6. A Hacktivist

Hacktivists are the protesters of the internet. Just like a group of protesters in the real world stir up attention by marching on the streets, the hacktivist type of hacker would break into systems and infrastructures to ask for attention towards social causes.

7. Red Hat Hacker

Another good hacker type to break the stereotype, the red hat hacker acts ruthlessly towards black hat hackers. Their sole objective is to destroy the effort of every bad hacker type and to bring their entire infrastructure down. A red hat hacker would be on the lookout for a black hat hack, intercept it and hack into the black hat hacker’s system. 

8. Blue Hat Hacker

Of the many hacker types, the blue hat hacker is the amateur. Like script kiddies, the blue hat deploys readily available techniques but specifically targets an entity out of a bad intention. Usually, these are revenge attacks made using amateur techniques like affecting a website with too much traffic using a script.

9. Green Hat Hacker

This type of hacker is the one who learns in the world of hacking. A green hat hacker is usually responsible for no real activity but is easily recognizable for his intent to learn and understand how it all works. Green Hat Hackers are often part of large learning communities online, where they watch videos and tutorials on how to make it big.

10. Social Media Hacker

The last type of hacker in our list – social media hacker. As its name implies they focus on hacking social media accounts by using various techniques. This hacker type is similar to black hat hacker for their criminal intentions, data theft.

In conclusion, there are several types of hackers around the world. I expect more hackers with good intentions.




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