
4月, 2020の投稿を表示しています


Definition of Hacker I used to think of hackers as a word for criminals who used the Internet. However, after reading the text of this lecture, I found that hackers are not the only words used by criminals. I searched the original definition of a hacker. 1. one that hacks 2.  a person who is inexperienced or unskilled at a particular activity 3.  an expert at programming and solving problems with a computer 4.  a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system Types of Hackers 1. White Hat Hacker The white hat hacker is a good guy, as ironic as it may sound. White Hackers, white hat hackers or ethical hackers are the people who test existing internet infrastructures to research loopholes in the system. They create algorithms and perform multiple methodologies to break into systems, only to strengthen them.  2. Black Hat Hacker Simply put, these are the bad guys.  Black hat hacker  are responsible for all that is wrong

Online Censorship and Privacy

Online Censorship The countries that come to mind when I hear online censorship are China and Russia. I researched online censorship in China near my country. According to the Citizen Lab, a research institute at the University of Toronto, which monitors online censorship, Chinese government censored information about new viruses on the Internet. That has been the case for weeks before the Chinese authorities officially acknowledge the scale of the new coronavirus. It is common in China for social media companies to remove content that is politically sensitive, including criticisms and protests against the government. Citizen Lab revealed that more than 500 words and phrases were blocked in the message app (WeChat) used by many Chinese from late December to mid-February. In conclusion, online censorship is now known to be used in a national conspiracy. Online censorship should be done by other organizations, not the government. Privacy As I said before, some countries are st

IT in Japan

It is generally said that Japanese IT has not developed. I looked into it on Google. Actually, Japan seems to be lagging behind in the IT field compared to the world. Education In the first place, there is the biggest difference between Japanese and foreigners. It is a language. In my experience, Japanese have less English speakers than foreigners. As you know, programming languages ​​are basically written in English. Japanese need to study English first. This makes it difficult for Japanese to study IT. The number of Japanese English speakers seems to have increased rapidly in the last 20 years, but it is considered that the population of IT is still small because it is still small compared to the world. Qualities Due to the nature of the Japanese people, their work is basically polite and accurate, so their quality is high. It is called "Japan Quality" and is highly evaluated. Skills As I said before, Japan has a reputation for its technical aspects and pre

Security Situation in Japan

The number of Internet users According to Internet World States, Japan has the seventh largest number of Internet users in the world. The population of the top countries is higher than Japan, indicating that Japan is a country with a very high proportion of Internet users. Understanding of Internet security In the "net common sense test" conducted by Kaspersky Lab, Japan's average score is the lowest among 16 countries in the world. In 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications conducted the Survey on Understanding and Countermeasures against Threats When Using Public Wireless LANs, ranking the lowest among the four countries. Japan is far from the continent and has no experience of invasion by different ethnic groups (especially nomads). On the other hand, Germany, which ranked first in the security awareness survey, is adjacent to nine countries, including France, and has experienced historical friction. This historical background may also affect