
Description of ergonomics/usability/HCI

・Ergonomics is a practical science and technology that helps to create safe and easy-to-use tools and machines that create a comfortable workplace and a comfortable environment for living.
・Usability is the degree to which a particular user can use a product in a particular context of use, with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, to achieve a particular purpose.
・HCI (Human Computer Interaction) is the field of studying designs that enable people to use computers more efficiently by examining the relationship between people and computers.

I describe good and bad designs that incorporate these three elements.

Good design

・Data size (⚪︎⚪︎KB) is displayed in the link to PDF.
・A site that sells clothes uses photos worn by models instead of photos placed    on the ground.
・Below the icon, there is text indicating the meaning of the icon.

Bad Design

・If the cursor is on Google map while scrolling the page, the map will expand.
・Can't move between items by pressing TAB key in input form.
・Form requires a fax number that everyone don't have.



Remember the human

"if a person has control over any function, it can also be used to control the computer"

Ubuntu And Kona Linux